Leipzig Gophers

Leipzig Gophers

We’re hosting a Go Meetup in Leipzig and have organized over 40 events so far (six in 2023). Next hybrid meetup #43 is scheduled for Tue, 2024-05-28 19:00 CET at Gridfuse.

Since Summer 2021, we have a YouTube Channel where we are publishing recordings of selected talks (archive). If you have an idea for a presentation, please let us know.

🔗 About

Our goal is to establish a place, where people from all backgrounds interested in the Go programming language (golang) and various cloud technologies can meet, learn, share experiences, present, discuss and network.

Depiction of a Leipzig Gopher

Current organizers are miku, klingtnet and friends and we are inviting everyone to participate.

🔗 How to participate

🔗 Want to host a meetup at your company?

Your company uses Go or wants to look into it? Why not connect with the local Go community by hosting a user group event? We do have presentations on interesting technical topics and spark lively discussions. If you are interested, let’s talk.

🔗 Meetup log

We try to sum up every meetup in a short blog post: #42, #41, #40, #39, #38, #37, #36, #35, #34, #33, #32, #31, #30, #29, #28, #27, #26, #25, #24, #23, #22, #21, #20, #19, #18, #17, #16, #15, #14, #13, #12, #11, #10, #9, #8, #7, #6, #5, #4, #3, #2, #1 / 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020.

🔗 Contributions and Sponsors

We’d like to thank edgeless systems, sciendis, Deta Cloud, Gridfuse, Encore, CHECK24, Ardan Labs and GOLAB for their contributions and Manning Publications, O’Reilly Media, Jetbrains and CodeNotary for their support.

oreilly logo codenotary logo manning logo

If you are interested in supporting us, please reach out; for activities around sponsoring, see: Sponsoring.md.